
Monday, April 01, 2019

A to Z in April! Azat le Ris

A to Z Challenge HERE
Azat le Ris (pronounced azah le ree) is a small French farming town that is slowing turning into a British vacation town. It was dying until the Brits decided to buy there. Houses here run ridiculously inexpensive, because as you can see from the map, it’s in the middle of nowhere.

Even with the Brits, it has lost its stores and relies on a van that comes through once a week, selling bread, eggs, some veggies and treats.

View down the street where I stayed

The Van and the bar
There is one bar in town owned by the same family since at least the 1940’s. Locals frequent it, and it’s the kind of place where if the proprietor isn’t there, just serve yourself and leave the pay on the table by the door on your way out!

But it hasn’t lost its church, Saint-Genest, a registered historical monument, which is 12th century, so that says how long this little community has been around in some form.

A "tractor" path between fields
Its surrounding countryside is beautiful farmland, fields and wooded copses, perfect for walking and bike riding. I spent three weeks walking the fields, lovely “tractor” paths, and long country roads whenever I needed a break from writing.
For me, it was heaven; low on noise, high on peace and quiet, nature and plant life.
It also has a river, Le Salleron, running through it with a park.
A field near the park on the outskirts of the village

A man-made pond next to an abandoned farm

Sheep, sheep, lots of sheep

One of the many roads to meander...

The Chateau Du Puy-Mesnil is the local privately owned “Chateau” and situated on the southeastern edge of town, but there are more in the area.
Chateau Du Puy-Mesnil today
Chateau Du Puy-Mesnil in the past

Domaine Le Chiron off season

If you’re looking for a quiet place to visit, this is a nice day journey from Limoges or Poitiers. There’s also a ultra-light flight school a mile down the road in a community called La Courandiere, with a lovely chateau that offers rooms, a “chambres d’hôtes” called Domaine Le Chiron.
For a village in the middle of “nowhere” there is a lot happening in and around this sleepy little hamlet.
A little video walking with my hosts through the countryside and village of Azat-le-Ris...

And, don't forget, today is April 1st! April Fools Day. Read about what it means in French "Poisson D'Avril" (Fish of April).


  1. Hi Lisa - I'll love reading your posts (albeit I'm not doing it) ... wonderful French scenery and life ... the video was a delight to see - loved the music ... cheers Hilary

  2. Lovely. Makes one want to hop on a plane. (Especially since I still have snow on the ground here in Michigan).

  3. Looks like A to Z won you over again and we are all the better for it. Glad to see you again in this April crazy time.

    A bar where you serve yourself and just leave your money. I'm surprised someone hasn't tried this in Los Angeles. I'm sure it would be a big hit except they wouldn't make much money.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  4. Great post, and yes your are right, that wasn't the same yesterday ;))

  5. Cute town! Glad the British are reviving it. I love your A-Z theme! Can't wait to see your other posts!

    With Love,

  6. Great post - very interesting to read - and i love the look of that countryside :)


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