Yesterday threw a couple of obstructive tests my way. One I
passed, the other not so much. We have friends from France visiting for three
weeks which I’m excited about. I love having France come to me. Love having the
opportunity to speak French any time. I’ve also been fighting a “sty” on my
lower eyelid for over a month which I’m not excited about. The Dr. said it was
time to do something more severe since compresses and antibiotic ointments aren’t
working. Meaning that Monday morning I was to go in and have it “taken care of”
as in lanced. Ugh. Also on Monday nos amis françaises and I were to head to Cape Canaveral for a three day sprint through
the middle of the sunshine state; Monday, my “B” day on the A to Z blogging challenge.
First test: the operation. It went better than expected. Pain
was involved but not enough to cry over. Popped two aspirin and with a patch
over my eye we packed up and headed out. The patch came off after an hour or so
(Dr’s instructions) and left me with a puffed up shiner. Lovely. Okay, I can
wear sunglasses, right? Ice packs 4 X required during the day (again, Dr’s
instructions) No problem. I wrote my “B” blog post in the car on the way down
into my native state, happy knowing that once we arrived at our destination, a
wonderful friend’s boat in a lovely little marina in Titusville, I’d have wi-fi
and be able to post. Right.

Fair followers, so goes the story of my success and failure.
This Tuesday I’ve had the distinct pleasure to have spent my morning on the front
of a boat watching and listening to the “locals” on E dock as they pass their time
bending replacement plastic windows (in a homemade oven) for the aforementioned
nice neighbor’s boat; talking, walking dogs, enjoying life in the marina. I am lucky. I’m also hungry! Until “demain”
enjoy your day too. Here’s to Communication in all its forms! marina
store comic
Great comic to demonstrate the topic. Ay, ay, ay communication breakdowns are no bueno.