Meet Lisa

Dear Reader:

    When of elementary-school age, my sister and I earned our weekly allowance by writing short stories every week, one or two pages, that my father would ‘grade’ with us for spelling, originality, etc.; then he would he pay us 25 cents. My first paid writing gig, little did I know.
    I grew up reading Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, Anne McCaffrey, Edger Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, Marion Zimmer Bradley, D.H. Lawrence, Mary Stewart, J.R.R. Tolkien, Victoria Holt, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and many, many others. They all took up space in my head and filled me with dreams.
    I’ve kept journals off and on all of my life. Stories feed a part of my inner self, whether verbal, written or viewed. My every-day existence wouldn’t be the same without them. Storytellers like Robert Bly, Bill Cosby, Ellen DeGeneres, David Sedaris, and the many authors I’ve listed above, twist my brain with their profound, amusing, poignant or thoughtful points of view. I write because I too, have stories to share. My dream is to have people read those stories, and perhaps in the process feel inspired to tell their own.
    I’m a mother, wife, sister, and daughter, have been a server, a dental assistant, teacher, journalist, gardener and architectural administrative assistant. I’ve traveled in Europe, New Zealand, and the US. I speak French and English fluently with a little Spanish on the side. I grew up in Florida, lived four years in Georgia before moving to Texas for eighteen years. For the moment, we are now in Ohio. Besides writing, my husband, my kids, my family, and my little dog, I enjoy gardening, reading, and watching movies.


  1. Thank you for visiting my Murder Blog, and for the follow. I'm following you back through RSS feed. Can't wait to learn more about you!

    1. You too! Thanks for coming by...

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    So cool to find your blog through the A to Z challenge. Funny that you wrote about France last year. I will this year since I am originally from France. See you!

    1. Glad you came by, and I'm enjoying your posts for the challenge!

  3. Loved your note. Got one great parenting advice, though not married yet. And thanks for following my blog. I too maintained journals since early teens. Now graduating to next level.

    Look forward to interact with you.

  4. Good luck with that new level Bhargav!

  5. Hey Lisa! Good introduction and I must say that you are lucky to earn at that naive age under the guidance of your dad. Will keep visiting.

  6. I just finished Evangeline's Miracle. I have admired you for your giving ways. Your behind the scene work for FWA made be a fan. I think your novel is exceptional and the best thing I have ever read by an FWA author. More than that, it is one of my favorite novels...period. Now I have to read all of your books. I spent an evening with Salvador Dali, and cherish the memory. Now I can say I was locked in a closet with my favorite author.

    1. Tom! You are an inspiration and I really have enjoyed my "time" with FWA. I'm not done with FWA by a long shot! Looking forward to more time with you!

  7. I LOVE this childhood story! How I wish I would trace my writing passion back that far. While I enjoyed research papers in high school and college (and still like the analysis side of historical fiction research)... I did not discover my desire to write until much later in life. Now I'm trying to make up for lost time :)

    1. Thanks so much Molly! I too, am trying to make up for lost time, still!

  8. calmkate12:56 PM

    Very nice to meet you Lisa, my father has been dead 25 years ... Brutus only 'adopted' me a few years ago :)

    1. Sorry for your loss, and it's nice to be "adopted". Your site is beautiful...

  9. I'm glad you are writing again. Pearl and i are anxious to read your next novel. Florida is fine. It's just a little cloudy without you in it.

  10. Hi, I was thinking about the most talented authors I know. You appeared at the top of my list...


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