Tuesday, February 04, 2025

February 2025 Already IWSG



Conflict. Every story must have this at some point or no one will read it. This is a truth we all know and have come to live with. This year however, for me, is about more than dealing with conflict in my stories. It is how to deal with conflict in my life, in my country, and in my future. I know some people are happy with where our country is and where it seems to be going. I will admit here and now I am not. I am afraid. I have never felt this way about my country before. I still have hope in humanity and the good in people, however I'm not sure right now that that is enough. I won't say anymore because I'm too emotional about this. All I can do is pray and send as much love and light as I can throughout this country that I love, and the world and hope for the best. I wish you all well...

Please go and visit our co-hosts this month and thank them for being there for all of us.

Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour,  and Tyrean Martinson!

February 5 question - Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change?

Yes! The one I can't seem to finish right now! Maybe this year when I get home...?

Some photos of our current trip in France. I look at them a lot as they help me remember the good things, and people, in my life...

Co-grandparents! Geoffrey, Bob, Christine and Lisa!

New friends we met in Laguiole, Annie and Jean-Claude from Bozouls!

Looking for a special knife in Laguiole (No! You don't pronounce the g!)

A friend paragliding


Joan of Arc

"Le Trou de Bozouls" The Canyon of Bozouls, very worth visiting


  1. What an adventure! Looks like you did it all.
    Don't let the media scare you. (That is their job after all.) It will be all right. I survived the past four years and you'll survive the next.

  2. I'm very worried too. Your trip looks like a wonderful adventure. I hope you finish your story when you get home.

  3. I entered 2025 with such a sense of peace. First I've felt since before the pandemic.

    Beautiful photos. We visited the UK many years ago and it's just so fascinating with all of the history and old castles and such.

  4. Looks like a wonderful trip. If you live in the moment, you should be fine. Take care.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  5. I'm not only distressed about the state of the state, I'm embarrassed. I was always proud of my country. Now I'm apologetic.

  6. Love the photos. Take care.

  7. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos, Lisa-Buie! There is much that is good in our troubled world. I love the US which is my adopted country, but I share your feelings. My family members are Canadian, so you can imagine the communications I am getting. I remind myself over and over that we've been through bad times in our history before and survived. I also remind myself that there are many people I care for who have different political perspectives from mine, and I will not let political differences destroy relationships that I cherish. So like you, I am praying for peace and democracy and putting as much light and positivity out into the world that I can. Wishing you all the best! Take care and be kind to yourself!

  8. I echo your sentiments. Thanks you for sharing your lovely pictures.


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