Thursday, October 27, 2016

IWSG and November Madness

I went to the FWA Writer’s conference I previously wrote about and worked long and hard and avoided crying until the very end. This will be my last conference as Registration Chair and I took it harder than I thought I would. FWA has become family for me and to leave them this year was dreadful. I hope to attend and volunteer in the future when I am back from France, but until I know what that looks like, I had to see this as a change of life and leave it behind while keeping the memories and friends I’ve made there over the last five years.

And so, what does the future hold? Don’t we all ask this at some point in our lives? I am moving to France next year, in February. I don’t know for how long, but after 33 years of marriage to a man raised in France; after my daughter spent a year there as an Au Pair, my turn has finally come! I will actually be there for more than a few days or weeks. I will live there and work on my French. I will have a lot of time to write, to finish four books that are all complete novels but in differing stages of revision. The year of revision is what I’m calling 2017, of my life and of my work.

What do you foresee for 2017? Is it too early to look that far ahead for you? Are you eager for it, or dreading it? I’ve not been excited about 2017 until the conference, where it was announced in front of everyone that I was moving to France. I had so many folks wishing me well on my new adventure that I realized I’d really downplayed it and had allowed myself to get stressed and unhappy about it instead of seeing what’s really happening: that my dream of living in France is finally coming true!
Take a look and see where you are. Perhaps you’ve fallen into the same trap I did and need a boost to realize where you really are? I wish you only good luck with whatever you decide, and wherever you decide to do it. From February on I will be posting from France because if the FWA conference taught me one thing this time, it’s to treasure your chosen families and IWSG is one of those for me.
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? I will be (as I am now) writing, revising but off line. I have made a deadline for myself and plan to keep it. Good luck to those of you participating!

Question of the month: What is your favorite aspect of being a writer? 
Answer: The stories. Period. The stories are what make being a writer worth everything.

  PS Evidently I posted this before I meant to. Oh well, at least it's already up for next Wednesday...!



  1. Think of it as a grand adventure! So many never venture beyond our borders, let alone live in a foreign country. Your 2017 will be amazing.

  2. Well, spring it on us why don't you? I am really thrilled to bits for you Lisa. I always enjoyed my times in France and yes, it is the best way to work on one's French. Also a great opportunity for you to finish your writing. Where exactly will you be living?

    1. Jo, we'll be living in a small town near Toulouse, down by the Pyrenees mountains. It will be COLD in February, but I don't care!

    2. What a lovely area to move to and really not that far from the Med or Spain if you wish to take a trip. Je suis envieux. Actually I thought that was j'ai de l'envie.

    3. So right and I've been to both! Not to mention the mountains!

  3. Hi Lisa - how wonderful to be going back to France to live for a while ... lots of opportunity and I know you loved it when you wrote about it. I imagine you are all in the throes of lots of change - but good luck with all your deadlines - NaNo and tidying up your writing, then your preparations ... and on to France - and to share Brexit with me and other!!!

    Cheers for now - good luck and happiness ... and to learning French as a native ... it'll happen quite quickly I should think ... enjoy - Hilary

    1. Yes Hilary, maybe I'll even get to come over and meet you! We're planning a trip to the "Isles" to walk Hadrian's Wall and my in laws have an apartment in Bristol, so we'll travel a bit while we're there... I already speak French, but want to speak more as French people do, not "American-ized French"!

  4. Lisa!!! I'm so excited to read this. You're living your life in the best way. Where in France will you be?

    1. We'll be in a small town near Toulouse! It is beautiful there and I love the area. Thanks for asking Martha!

  5. I'm sorry you're sad. But, wow! How exciting!

  6. Interesting that you ask if it is too early to think about goals for 2017. Mine are fairly set already. With NaNoWriMo consuming my November and December filled with holiday celebrations, it's best to get the goal setting out of the way!
    Thank you for co-hosting #IWSG this month.

  7. I would also feel torn if I was moving. But it looks like you're trying very hard in accepting your new surroundings which will be a wondrous adventure. I'd love to visit France some day. Good luck on learning the language.

    Thank you Lisa for co-hosting!

  8. I did wonder why it was so early, but that's cool. Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. I was wondering why I was receiving comments! :P !!! Oh well, better early than late!

  9. How great that your dream of living in France is coming true! Hope the move goes smoothly.

  10. How exciting that you're moving to France. What an amazing adventure that will be! Thanks so much for co-hosting this month.

  11. FRANCE!?! That's epic. I totally believe we build our own mental cages and live in them, so way to break out and do something you've dreamed about. I do hear they close everything down at night though... Hey, on to the next adventure. I admire you for taking the step.

  12. I bet there are writers in France, Lisa! You'll make connections in no time. And the internet makes everyone next door neighbors. This looks like a win to me. Go boldly! Thanks for co-hosting.

  13. 2017 sounds thrilling, we've often holidayed in France and love it. Surely it can't help but provide extra inspiration?

  14. 2017 sounds like it's going to be a wonderful adventure for you. Good luck in everything you do!

  15. Moving to France! What an adventure. But I can understand being sad about leaving a significant part of your life behind. I remember feeling like an idiot when I cried leaving high school, but later I realized those tears were actually a huge gift, because they meant I had the best year ever and met the most wonderful friends. And to think I had to start that senior year in a new school in a new town.

    Good luck on all your revisions.

  16. How wonderful you'll get to live in France! Such a beautiful place with magnificent history. Good luck with NaNo! I don't have the time to participate, but I'm cheering everyone on. It's a pleasure co-hosting with you this month. :)

  17. It sounds like you're going on a lovely adventure. And you have a plan for your writing while you're there. Wishing you the very best of times.

  18. To be able to write in France . . . That's some people's idea of heaven - What a wonderful adventure! I'm participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time. Everyone is so supportive! Good luck with your revisions :)

  19. How incredibly exciting for you! It will be an amazing experience, one you'll make the most of and remember forever.

    Good luck with NaNo! I'm in the trenches, too. :)

  20. That's a big live change. I wish you the very best, but I know you'll have such a great adventure. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  21. Your dream of living in France is finally coming true...what a blessing!
    Paris is my favorite city...and I've been fortunate enough to visit...a loooong time ago, so I'm overdue for another visit.
    Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month.
    Good luck with NaNo.

  22. So glad Jo was surprised too. Here I was thinking I was just horribly out of touch!! That's so exciting, Lisa. I've never been to France, but would love to come. Will you have a guest room? LOL

    1. YOu know it Elizabeth, especially for you!

  23. I'm so excited for you, Lisa. You're going on an amazing adventure. Live it to the fullest. Don't forget to breathe. Thanks for co-hosting.

  24. A move to France sounds fantastic! How exciting! Enjoy your time there and the best is yet to come!

  25. Moving to France--how awesome! I can't even get myself to change the state I live in. Good luck there. No reason at all your blog should change, is there.

    1. No reason at all Jacqui! I'll still be blogging, though content may change! Never know what might inspire me while I'm there!

  26. Good luck on your move, Lisa! Wow! I've love to have a chance to write in France or Jamaica...just to name two places. May your 2017 be exciting, adventurous, and amazing.

  27. Good luck with your new life to be in France, I once lived in Spain to be close to my youngest son then met someone and came back to the UK TO START A !New Life" which for personal reason s did not work out. I really enjoy blogging and bless the day the A to Z Challenge came my way and then later Alex's IWSG. Thanks for your visit.
    Much appreciated.

  28. France?? Yes, please. Take lots of pics and share them, of course. Yes, the stories are what it's all about.

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Very exciting! It is wonderful when long-term dreams finally become a reality. And what fresh experiences you'll have to savor and record. I'm in countdown mode to a major change in my life, as well. You are absolutely right about not letting life become a rut - dare to dream and take a chance.

  30. Anonymous4:11 PM

    What a beautiful place to start a new chapter in your life, Lisa. I wish you all the best as you begin your journey. Thank you for co-hosting!

  31. I have a hard time projecting what I'm going to be doing in the future. I typically see myself doing the same exact thing I'm doing now. I lack vision when it comes to seeing the future. It's my one problem with being a writer, no matter how much I love to write, finding the time is always the most challenging.
    Wishing you the best in France. How awesome is that!!!!

  32. Lisa, all the best with your move to the European Continent. As an ExPat American living on the continent in Germany, I can say the life here is different than in the United States but you don't see the differences until you step out of the tourist mode. They are good differences also. You will also be surprised at how quickly your French improves. So even though you might get depressed now and then don't give up. Keep your dream alive and keep walking forward.
    I am participating in NaNo also.
    Shalom aleichem,

  33. I wish you well on your move. I'm staying in the good old U.S.A. unless something else happens to decide differently for me. I guess I'll have a better grasp on the year to come after next week passes.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  34. You'll have a great adventure in France, Lisa. Good luck on your move and your year of revisions.

  35. 2017 is too far away for me to worry about yet. I'm way behind my 2016 goals, so I'm planning to use these last two months to do as much as I can. No hurry for 2017 to arrive. Good luck with France.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG!

  36. What an exciting adventure! Best of luck on your new journey.
    Many thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!

  37. Best wishes on our move to France. How wonderful. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  38. Wow! Best wishes on you move to France in 2017. That sounds wonder-full - I know how it's spelled, but I was thinking about how full of wonder such a move could be.
    It's wonderful to co-host with you this month!

  39. Tres bien! Fantastique! Another American writer moving to France. It's good to have proper representatives of our country heading over to soak up all that French creativity. Thank you for co-hosting!

  40. Bon Voyage, Lisa! Lucky you to have a chance to live in France. And to find peace and revision for your novels. All the best, my dear. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG November blog post. I've joined your blog!

  41. Wow, that sounds amazing! I'm sure living in France will be very inspirational for your writing. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!

  42. It's really hard to let go of something that has been truly rewarding, like your being the registration Chair for the FWA, Lisa. My heart goes out to you! There are many lovely and varied seasons in life, and you have a new and exciting one opening up for you in France! I hope that you have an amazing time and get lots of writing done. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!

  43. Have a wonderful time in France! It's easy to get caught up in the stress of things, but I hope you can enjoy the process, too.

  44. All the best to you on your move to France. What an incredible opportunity!
    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month. It's a flood of blog visits and comments!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  45. Have fun in France! I am just now starting to think about 2017. I have some ideas about the direction I want to go, but nothing specific.

  46. Congratulations, and I hope you have an amazing time in France. I've reflected lately on my outlook toward a lot of things. It's easy to get caught up in stress, and paint everything with a negative brush. A lot of crazy is happening for my family right now. I'm nervous and super stressed about it, but at the same time, reminding myself that others have been through this and worse. We will make it through, and it will be amazing.

  47. Thank you for co-hosting, and congratulations! France! Lucky duck. :D

  48. I don't know for sure what I foresee for 2017. So far, I've decided to focus on completing 1 WIP novel. And there's also the possibility of putting together a short story collection.
    Good luck with your move and revisions. And yes, it's all about the stories.
    Thanks for co-hosting!

  49. Thank you for co-hosting this month. Sorry you had to say goodby to your conference, but happy to hear of your new adventure in France. Good luck in your "year of revision." I also hope you get a lot out of Nano this year.

  50. Moving to France sounds so exciting! That is a place I have always wanted to visit. Looks like 2017 will be full of changes and surprises for you. :)

    Hope NaNo is going well!


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