Wednesday, November 06, 2013

IWSG November 2013

In October I went to a writer’s conference I really enjoy attending. My first time at this particular conference was last year and since then I have become assistant secretary to the Florida Writer’s Association, #FWA13, the group that hosts the conference every year. One of the main reasons I went this year was to recharge my writing batteries. I get very tired sometimes of trying to motivate myself to put words on paper in a meaningful way, by which I mean, specifically on a novel. I went to the conference hoping to come away with a new energy and vitality to give to my chosen career.
Did I? Did the recharge work? Yes and no. I came away enthused and ready to go. I have a plan I didn’t before. I have information and contacts I didn’t before. I basked in the chance to talk to other writers and have them not look at me like I’m crazy for talking about writing. So in that way I am charged and ready to go. On the other side of that though, is the fact that I still have to make myself sit down and put the words on paper, well, on the screen and in a file, then on paper.
That part has not changed and neither has the effort it takes to do it. But having met the folks I did, getting the input I did has done one thing to help in this challenge I am presented with daily, and that is, yes, I am alone in my pursuit of happiness (and a living) but I am not alone in how people  view me and support my efforts. I am not alone in my dream, and there are folks out there willing to be there for me and cheer me on while I do the work, as I am for them. Made me think of you guys, my IWSG buddies and how we support one another and pay attention to what matters. People.

So, thanks for being there for me. I hope you feel the same about me and my efforts to support you.
Happy Thanksgiving All! 

Image from:


  1. Hi Lisa,

    You immersed yourself in the positive, supportive ambience of being around other writers. And the ideas doth spark in your thoughts. Indeed, dear lady, the passion for the written word will continue to embrace your spirit. You know you are not alone and the support we share is profoundly powerful. When we help each other, we help ourselves.

    Be well and smile, Lisa.

    Gary :)

    1. Yes, it was great! Love knowing you are all out there inhabiting my world too. I'm smiling because you came by...!

  2. Hi Lisa .. it's tough out there and I can imagine your desire to get on with it .. so am glad you're doing NaNo .. GOOD LUCK.

    What a great idea to become the secretary .. there must be loads of benefits, as well as extra work - but then we learn as we go. You've also had a tough year ... and I admire your determination to move on ...

    Those stories will come and you'll create and craft them .. just so pleased that you enjoyed all the interaction with the other writers ...

    Have fun - keep to the plan .. and win through .. cheers and will be thinking of you .. Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. I'm enjoying this writing campaign more than I dreamed I would. I'm taking it one scene at a time and that seems to work for me. I'll be by again later to take another tour with you on your blog!

  3. The blank page you have to face alone, but for everything else, you have support and encouragement when you need it.
    And very cool you are the assistant secretary for the group.

    1. Thanks Alex. Your blog and being a part of the FWA group helps keep me focused.

  4. Assistant secretary for the writing group? How cool is that?
    It means you are constantly in touch with other writers.
    You are so lucky.
    The only writerly friends I have, are my online buddies. I don't belong to a physical writing group. I wish I did...

    1. Yes, helps keep me feeling a bit more connected. I really miss "talking" shop with other writers and can relate. I have a small group I meet with each week, but the conference is where I get a lot "writer" talk done... Thanks for coming by Michelle!

  5. What happened to my comment I just posted? It seemed to have disappeared...?

  6. "[It] made me think of you guys, my IWSG buddies and how we support one another and pay attention to what matters. People."

    Spot on! Conferences really are like the recharging of batteries. And like many stories, recyclable. :)

    1. Thank goodness!! Thanks for commenting David!

  7. you reminded me i need to go to a conference! i am really hoping to get into a book fair in the spring. blogging helps, but being face to face with others going through the same things makes it real. we are not alone =) i already follow you, but it's been a while since i was here - so glad you came by!

    1. I'm hoping to do a book fair soon as well. I'm also doing a Christmas fair at a local Herb Farm that is well known in our area, and well attended. Sold fifteen soft cover books there last year... Thanks for coming by Tara!

  8. Thanks so much Jen! And congrats on your win on Denise's site with the Halloween blog hop! I've been terrible visiting blogs this month because I've been doing NaNoWriMo and concentrating so much on that, other things have gone by the wayside. I'm in south Ga and so far we've had great, cool, but not too cold weather. I love it! Glad you came to visit and hope to see you again!


Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I may not always be able to respond to the comments you leave, however, I appreciate you dropping by and will do my best to visit your blog as well, if you have one!