Music is a life force that not only humans produce. Nature has
many ways to gentle a stressed out spirit, to give peace where no peace can be
found. Those among us who can hear music in their minds and hearts and put it
on paper, give voice to it, play an instrument that allows that one to share it
with the rest of us I find reassuring and uplifting. These artists remind me of
all the beauty and good in human kind. It is also an amazing ability to be able
to produce, literally out of the air, a sound no one else has ever heard
before. To put a string of words together which haven’t been strung quite that
way before. As unique as a pearl necklace, sometimes at first glance we don’t notice
the differences, only the similarities, but then the sound changes, creating a
new image in our minds and we realize this isn’t a song we’ve heard before.

Here is a musician trying to live his dream: to make music
and live by it. He has a gift with words, phrases, meanings and how they are
put together. He is a poet with his poems strung on musical cords. There is a
song “I Hope You Dance” sung by Lee Ann Womack that came out when my children
were young. I often listened to it and thought of my little ones and wished
those same things for them, just as she did when singing it for her daughter. Tristan,
this musician I am writing about here, is singing, playing and “dancing” with his
music, the rhythm of his life, taking the risks and putting his love on the
line. He is constantly finding an open door when one closes behind him. He
keeps on going and I hope, later in life, he won’t have regrets because whether
he wins or loses, he’s done what he set out to do. Try.

Here is a video of him and a friend singing a song he wrote. Also so a link to hear a bit more of his style.
If you like it let him know on YouTube and FaceBook. Pass it on and let your
friends in on it too. If you don’t like it, well that’s okay too, because that
is what creating is all about. You can never please everyone all the time. But
who’s trying to do that anyway? Let the music play…
Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Centri Records is a New York based independent record label owned by Rhandy Acosta. It originated as a way for local talent from Queens, NY. Rhoyale’s new single Tonight is now available on Apple Music and Google Play. Add it to your playlist today.